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Our Living Memorials Ministry receives donations from both church members and others connected with our congregation. This fund is a wonderful way to honor someone or to make a donation in memory of someone. 

Funds are used for various projects around the church. We are grateful for the members of the Living Memorials Committee who receive and help distribute the money for ministry needs within our church.

The Legacy Committee was formed to provide an avenue for people to remember Concord Trinity in their estate planning. This committee will provide resources for those wanting to make a financial commitment for future generations.

For more information about Living Memorials or The Legacy Committee, please contact the office using the contact form on the "about" section of our website.

If you would like to remember to honor someone by donating to Living Memorials at Concord Trinity UMC you can do so very easily by clicking here for Easy Tithe. When in Easy Tithe, add the name of the person you are recognizing with your contribution in the comment box. This will allow the Financial Secretary to record your contribution and ensure that the funds are provided to Living memorials. 

Join us for worship on Sundays

at 9am and 10:30am

(314) 842-2060

5275 S. Lindbergh Blvd

Saint Louis, MO 63126

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